Lessons learnt from Hello Ambassador 2015

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of continuous personal and professional development, I thrive on opportunities that push me out of my comfort zone and expose me to new ways of thinking. So when Ands proposed we go up to Joburg for a weekend of creative food for thought I jump right onto the Hello Ambassador website and made sure I was one of those early birds.

Hello Ambassador is an annual festival held in Joburg for Creatives by Creatives. The festival, now in it’s third year, featured inspiring and insightful talks by industry experts from a variety of creative disciplines. In addition to this mind blowing musicians, beat boxers and break dancers entertained us during the lunch time street festival.

I came away from the festival feeling inspired, pushed to aim higher and confident knowing that anything is possible. There were many lessons learnt over the two days but today I thought I’d share a few of my favourite with you…

Tous Les Jour’s spring relaunch & 7 reasons why I love Shopify

This week was all about the spring revamp & relaunch for two of my web design and development clients: newbie client Ask Ashe and my first ever client Tous Les Jours – the client that launched my freelancing career! After last months hectic late nights and early mornings I am excited to finally share with you the website revamp process we went through with Tous Les Jours and the awesome Shopify ECommerce platform they decided to use.

A beginners guide to SEO for bloggers

I’ll be honest and say I’m no expert in this field and also that it’s not really a service I offer my clients but over the last year, through many hours of research, I’ve learnt a great deal about the subject. It’s a huge topic that’s why today I’m only going to be scratching the surface by sharing this simple beginners guide. My hope is that whether you’re a small business owner or blogger who’s seeking to get more hits, like or comments you’ll find this post helpful.

10 quick action steps you can take today to make your business more successful

Last week we learnt that consistent and daily action steps are what help your business become even more successful than it already is but knowing where to start, getting started and finding the time can be the hard part. So today I thought I’d share with you ten quick action steps you can implement in your business today that will take it one step up the success ladder.

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