5 Reliable Sources for Beautiful Themes

Ok so last week I had a little rant about why fancy schmancy WordPress themes suck. I slated Themeforest just a tad and no I’m not sorry about it because my biggest hate is when web designers & techie people make it so hard for any normal non coding people to get online. They throw all this jargon around, charge astronomical amounts of money and leave you feeling defeated. Sigh!

Rant over!

Today I’m feeling a hell of a lot more positive and thought I’d share some of my biggest resources for extremely beautiful WordPress Themes. These websites are ALL run by ladies  – Girls Run the World! They are friendly, helpful ladies after my very own coding heart.

*Note all the themes these sites provide require the Genesis Framework*

1. Restored 316 Designs


2. Pretty Darn Cute

pretty darn cute

3. The Pixelista

Genesis Child Themes The Pixelista

4. Bluchic


5. Viva La Violette

viva la violette

If you have any favourites be sure to leave them in the comments below…


  1. As far as I know, Bluchic doesn’t sit on Genesis – they are stand alone themes.

    Shay Bocks’ Foodie Theme is on Genesis though – you could add her to the list

    • That’s for pointing that out to me, will make my ammendments

      And thank you for the new recommendation. I am loving Shay’s stuff!


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